On the Turn of a Card
What is your definition of normal?
Is it flying high before falling into the depths of despair?
Is it by choice that you choose to live your life in total isolation?
That constant niggling feeling that no one really cares
Do you find it difficult in distinguishing the blurred lines of reality?
Does everything you do just dampen your mood?
Do you fret about going out for weeks on end?
Worried that people might think that you’re just being incredibly rude
The worlds a stage where the pressure is on for you to act your best
Or do you prefer instead to watch from the wings rather than a leading role
Letting someone else take the applause while you hide behind a screen
Keeping up appearances in the hope that no one sees you’re a tortured soul
Life is a script and its up to you to make of it what you will
Or do you find your life is a constant rollercoaster of ups and downs?
Perhaps you’re one of those people that daydream wishing your life away?
Seeing the world as dull instead of the vibrant colors that are all around
Don’t ponder on what you want to be but rather who you are now
Allow yourself to see the full picture in glorious ‘Three D’
Throw off the shackles and confront the nightmares that have held you back
Give yourself a standing ovation, for tomorrow who knows what you can achieve