Baked Beans
Life’s like a tin of baked beans,
Broken promises, and shattered dreams.
Poured onto a plate over toast,
Counting them to see who has the most.
Guilty of consuming ourselves with too much lust and greed,
Blaming others for our addictive needs.
We hide behind our knives and fork,
Dysfunctional people unable to talk.
Airing our grievances while fuelled by mistrust,
Failure isn’t an option, but success is a must.
Tomorrow will begin the same as today has ended,
Oblivious to those we have offended.
Who will pick the tab and stand up for their mistakes,
As one generation dies, another awakes.
The glass dome we surround ourselves in can only protect us for a while,
But who will protect the insecure child.
Choices are made everyday on supermarket shelves,
Is it a tin of baked beans, or a living hell?