Mother what are the chances of peace on earth?
Will it make a difference for what it’s worth?
To live in a world without wars and starvation,
come the day we can respect every nation.
Mother what would happen
If they dropped the bomb?
Would it really be so wrong?
The fact maybe we could start again?
No more enemies but a world full of friends.
Mother do animals go to heaven when they die?
I assume they have souls but if not why?
Does heaven have green fields with trees?
Do you think heaven may have room for me?
Mother I’m told I have to be good.
I do keep trying but I think I’m misunderstood.
On occasions I’m guilty of breaking the rules.
But I’m only trying to survive
In a world full of fools.
Mother what if I’ve yet to have my finest hour?
Would that be of benefit to me
or seen as an abuse of power?
What if the government sent me to prison to do time?
For speaking out,
Would that be such a crime?
Mother what if they decided
To throw away the key?
Would you come and still visit me?
Incarcerated for the things I’ve done
Would you help me to escape these cold grey walls
and go on the run?
Mother do you have the answers to how and why?
If I choose to live or when I die?
To look back in old age to see what I’ve achieved.
Oh Mother, do you promise to never leave?