Trust Issues
I’m fed up with you all telling me what to do
We agree a plan only for you to change your tune
You just pop into my head unannounced
Calling me names you can’t even pronounce
The few bright days I have, you spoil with rain
My mind is overworked, the headaches cause pain
For years you’ve pushed me to the very brink
When I feel we’re pulling together you break the link
Contained in a cage made of steel
You try to force my hand, but I will not yield
A life sentence beyond my control I must serve
But this is a sentence I don’t deserve
I dream of blue skies, green trees, and waterfalls
But instead, I’m surrounded by cold grey walls
The voices in my head keep churning out their lies
But I’m ready to break free and take off this disguise
You came into my life when I was at my lowest
Uninvited demons setting up home that I didn’t even notice
Taking back control is the hardest thing I’ve had to do
But it’ll all be worth it when I’m controlling you
I feel my strength growing by the hour each day
And now the time is coming for me to have my say
I’ll wave you off as I show you all to the door
I will not put up with you tormenting me no more